AYSO is 100% volunteer! In order for this program to continue to grow and continue to be successful we rely heavily on volunteers. Volunteering for this program is both fun and fulfilling. It gives children the opportunity to be involved in sports, to make new friends and to create lasting memories. It truly is a positive experience for all involved.
Once you sign up to volunteer there are a few certifications that have to be completed in order to participate. You will need to complete AYSO Safe Haven Courses, CDC Concussion Awareness Course and the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Course. All of these are located on this site under the link AYSOU found after selecting the Volunteer tab under your account. AYSOU is also an excellent resource for information. You will find coach and referee manuals here as well as an abundance of other information needed to volunteer for this program.
A background check will also have to be completed. Volunteers will receive and email from Sterling Volunteers requesting the background check. Our organization pays for the $25.00 fee .Choose this option as form of payment.
We are always looking for volunteers for Board Member positions, Field prep, Coaching and Referees. Please get involved so we can continue to make this program possible for our community. Thank you!